Updated: 2013-01-30 19:21:40
Have you looked into long-term care insurance but were turned off by high premiums? Perhaps the person who tried to sell you a policy before didn't ask the right questions, or you based the price on what your neighbor or relative pays. You might want to get another opinion. Because with the correct information, it may be possible to get [...]
Updated: 2013-01-30 16:15:34
, , Home Blog Podcast Guides Facebook Research Videos Video Tutorials Presentations Contact Social Media Security Podcast 31 New Facebook Graph Search , Fake Internet Girlfriends , Social Media and Your Business Search our : site Facebook Privacy Security Guide Get the latest version here pdf download Social Media Security Podcast The social media security podcast is a monthly podcast about news and hot topics in the world of social media security . Check out the show archives Like us on Facebook Recent Posts Social Media Security Podcast 31 New Facebook Graph Search , Fake Internet Girlfriends , Social Media and Your Business Social Media Security Website and Podcast Reloaded Social Media Security Podcast 30 The Password Episode Social Media Security Podcast 29 Fake Bieber , Facebook
Updated: 2013-01-29 20:39:37
How much can you expect to pay for long-term medical care? The national average for a private room in a nursing home was over $87,000 per year or $239 per day in 2011. But costs were higher in urban areas, where the average cost often ran 20% more than the same costs in non-urban areas. Those were some of the [...]
Updated: 2013-01-28 19:43:11
If you think you'll have enough income for most of your retirement, you can guarantee your unexpected longevity with 'longevity insurance'. This product is a repackaged deferred annuity which guarantees an income stream starting at a predetermined future time. It warrants your consideration (note that guarantees are based on the claims paying ability of the insurance company). Longevity insurance, a [...]
Updated: 2013-01-28 17:09:00
White House Press Release: President Obama and the First Lady have long been committed to ensuring that the White House is truly the People’s House, and that Americans with disabilities are fully integrated into our society. Continuing on that commitment, the White House Visitor’s Office is pleased to announce the availability of an audio description [...]
Updated: 2013-01-21 19:10:50
We use life insurance to meet our family's need in the event of our death. But as we move through different phases of life, we require our life insurance to meet the changes that arise. This is true even through our retirement years. Part of the cost of life insurance includes the insurer's cost of evaluating the risks of insuring [...]
Updated: 2013-01-21 18:52:36
FIFA 13, a soccer simulator, scored nearly a perfect 10 in AbleGamer’s game accessibility review process by implementing options such as remappable keys, subtitles and colorblind options. In addition, FIFA 13 includes settings that allow players to tailor gameplay directly to their abilities. Gameplay can be slowed down all the way to 10 percent of [...]
Updated: 2013-01-19 22:04:03
Deciding how to choose a company pension payout can be tricky. You need to keep open to a variety of options to see what suits you best. If you have a life insurance policy on you, here is another way to use it in retirement. At retirement, your pension plan may present several options. You may be able to take [...]
Updated: 2013-01-18 20:03:01
Yes, the employer violates the ADA’s association provision if it decides not to hire an employee based on the increased health insurance costs that will be caused by his spouse’s disability. The association provision of the ADA prohibits employment discrimination against a person, whether or not he or she has a disability, because of his [...]
Updated: 2013-01-18 19:12:16
You or your spouse will eventually become less able to live independently. Knowing your options for alternative living arrangements helps you evaluate your long-term care costs (LTC). Here are some options of roughly increasing LTC for you:Living With Your Adult Children You may move into your adult child?s residence - perhaps an accessory apartment attached to it.Home Sharing As an [...]
Updated: 2013-01-18 00:16:34
The Facts About Medicare and Social Security It is especially an American trait to form opinions by what we hear on the TV and read in the paper. Neither of these sources are necessarily factual. The reason people would rather form and stick to their opinions is that it takes a few minutes of work to find out the facts. [...]